C/C++: Alpha Compositing Algorithm
How to convert an image with an alpha channel to an image without an alpha channel.
C/C++: Binary Search Algorithm
A very fast search algorithm if working with arrays.
C/C++: Bubble Sort Algorithm
An O(n²) to O(n) algorithm.
C/C++: Data Compression Algorithm Study
A study of compression algorithms.
C/C++: Insertion Sort Algorithm
An O(n²) at worst algorithm and a friend to the Quick Sort algorithm.
C/C++: Merge Sort Algorithm
An O(n•log2(n)) algorithm.
C/C++: Multi-threaded Merge Sort Algorithm
An O(n•log2(n)) algorithm tries to take advantage of parallel processing.
C/C++: Quick Sort Algorithm
An O(n•log2(n)) algorithm.
C/C++: Radix Sort Algorithm
Another O(n•log2(n)) algorithm.
C/C++: Selection Sort Algorithm
Another O(n²) algorithm.
C++: Example CPU Benchmark Program Code
How to create a CPU benchmark program using C++ and a little assembly.
C++: Mersenne Twister
The best and most popular random number generator.
C++: Multi-threaded Quick Sort Algorithm
An O(n•log2(n)) algorithm takes advantage of parallel processing.
C++: Quickly Find/Solve PI (π)
A slightly modified Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula for finding π.
C++: Sort Algorithm Study
A study of several sorting algorithms.