Access the Camera Through the Web Browser
How to gain access of the camera through the Internet and how to handle user requests not to allow access to it.
Cat/Dog/Human Image Recognition: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Use artificial intelligence to identify an image of a cat, dog or human/person.
Data Clustering Tool: Unsupervised Machine Learning
Use artificial intelligence to study patterns in data using k-mean and silhouette clustering machine learning.
Draw It!
A simple desktop and mobile device compatible JavaScript sketchpad that uses artificial intelligence to recognize a bicycle, car, clock, fish, guitar, house, pencil or tree.
MNIST Number Recognition: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence that recognizes hand-written numbers zero to nine using a neural network, learned from the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database, and adds them to a calculator.
Movie Review Sentiment: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence that recognizes the sentiment of a movie review, either negative or positive.
On the Farm
A mouse-controlled JavaScript game where, every 15 seconds, the player is able to move rocks around trying to block bad computer-controlled characters; these characters may also move rocks, but the player has the power to move the bad characters around, too. Try to trap the meanies — not easy!
Pac-man Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Pac-man. Keyboard is required.
Silverback Gorillas in a Cauldron
An artificial intelligence game where autonomous gorillas must navigate a maze, racing, while risking falling into the dungeons of hell.
Space Invaders Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Space Invaders. Keyboard is required.
Tetris Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Tetris. Keyboard is required.
Word2Vec Word Vector Math
Word2Vec is a neural network model designed to learn word associations from a large corpus of text; it converts words into a high-dimensional space where similar words are placed closer together; try vector math on these word vectors here.