asp net core
ASP.NET Core: About
ASP.NET Core is built on top of .NET but also runs on top of .NET Framework.
ASP.NET Core: Add JWT Authentication to MVC
Setup and add JSON Web Token (JWT) bearer authentication to Model-View-Controller application; with examples written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Add Local Authentication
Setup and add local authentication user accounts; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Add REST API to MVC Application
Setup or add ASP.NET Core REST API or Web API controller to MVC website application; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Bitmap Image Creation and Download
Create a Bitmap Image from within the MVC controller and send it to the browser; written in C# and compatible with Linux and Windows servers.
ASP.NET Core: Call an External Function Using DllImport in C#
How to correctly use DllImport to call external functions in libraries on both windows (.dll files) and Linux (.so libraries) on a web server.
ASP.NET Core: Compress REST API Output
Compress the output from a Web API to a greater level than if enabling site-wide compression; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Create and Use MS SQL Database
Use MS SQL Server to programmatically create a database with Entity Framework; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Delete a FileResult File After Sending It to the Browser Using FileStream
FileStream saves server memory and resources when sending a file to the browser, but what if the file needs to be deleted? This article shows how to delete the file after sending it; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Download Files
How to download files from an ASP.NET Core Web Application (MVC); written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Download from URL with WebClient
Download file from an Internet URL/URI using the WebClient class; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Drag-and-Drop File Upload
Drag-n-drop file upload using AJAX; no JQuery was used; server-side code written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Enable CORS
Enable Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) on an ASP.NET Core Web / REST API or MVC Website; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Enable Output Compression
How to enable site-wide compression for HTTP and HTTPS; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Enable Server Sessions
Enable server sessions to securely store user information related to the session; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Globally Unique Identifiers
The GUID is great for anything requiring uniqueness; written in C# and VB.NET.
ASP.NET Core: Handle "View Was Not Found" Server Error
How to handle view not found server errors and return a status code 404 - not found; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Hash-based Message Authentication Code
Safely store user passwords or validate a file to check for corruption; written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: How to Create WordPress Slugs
Use C# regular expressions (Regex) to create slugs with only standard characters for use in a URL or other purpose.
ASP.NET Core: How to Issue a GET Request from an Endpoint using C#
Using C#, GET JSON from a REST API endpoint; how to receive JSON data from a REST API.
ASP.NET Core: How to Issue a POST Request to an Endpoint using C#
Using C#, POST JSON to a REST API endpoint; how to receive JSON data from a REST API.
ASP.NET Core: Image Utility Class for SixLabors.ImageSharp v1.0
Manipulate images on Windows and Linux web servers including creating a scatter plot and histogram, and rotating the images as needed to display properly with core web application example written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Image Utility Class for SixLabors.ImageSharp v3.0
Manipulate images on Windows and Linux web servers including creating a scatter plot and histogram, and rotating the images as needed to display properly with core web application example written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Image Utility for Windows Servers
Manipulate images using System.Drawing.Common (not compatible with Linux); written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Json Web Token Authentication Minimal Web API Example
A simple example of adding JWT Bearer authentication and authorization to an ASP.NET Core minimal Web API; with examples written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Send Gmail from Web App
Send Gmail from a web application using C#.
ASP.NET Core: Simple File Upload
Simple file upload using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX); server-side code written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Sort a List of Objects with a Delegate Function
How to use a delegate to sort a C# List Holding Objects Instead of Primitive Types.
ASP.NET Core: Tips and Tricks
Useful tips and tricks for the budding ASP.NET Core developer; examples in C#.
ASP.NET Core: Use Keys Stored in appsettings.json in .NET 6 and Later
Modify and use appsettings.json keys in ASP.NET Core for custom settings; also, create and use custom JSON files for use in C# web apps.
ASP.NET Core: ZipFile Stream Options in .NET 8 and Later
Covers the new streaming options in the .NET 8 ZipFile class; written in C#.