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Disable Windows 10/11 Thumbs.db File
Edit the registry to turn off or disable the Thumbs.db thumbnail database cache file in Windows 10 and 11.
Word2Vec Word Vector Math
Word2Vec is a neural network model designed to learn word associations from a large corpus of text; it converts words into a high-dimensional space where similar words are placed closer together; try vector math on these word vectors here.
.NET: Memory-Mapped Files
Memory-mapped files allow sharing large amounts of data between processes; they are explored here with examples in C#.
FILEVERSION Incrementer for Resource Files
A tool to automatically increment the file revision number, and optionally, the file build version number in use by a resource file.
On the Farm
A mouse-controlled JavaScript game where, every 15 seconds, the player is able to move rocks around trying to block bad computer-controlled characters; these characters may also move rocks, but the player has the power to move the bad characters around, too. Try to trap the meanies — not easy!
.NET: Convert Int Array to Byte Array
How to use the BitConverter class to convert an array of integers (int) to an array of bytes and back again; written in C#.
.NET: Convert Double Array to Byte Array
How to use the BitConverter class to convert an array of doubles to an array of bytes and back again; written in C#.
.NET: Convert Float Array to Byte Array
How to use the BitConverter class to convert an array of floats to an array of bytes and back again; written in C#.
JavaScript: Use FileReader to Read the Contents of Files
How to use the FileReaader to access file contents in an Internet web browser.
.NET: Alpha Compositing Algorithm
How to convert an image with an alpha channel to an image without an alpha channel; written in C#.
C/C++: Alpha Compositing Algorithm
How to convert an image with an alpha channel to an image without an alpha channel.
Online Converter: Base64 String to File v1.0.0
Convert any base64 string to a file.
.NET: Lazy Load Data
How to lazy load data using the C# programming language.
.NET: Extract the Page Title from HTML
How to find the title in an HTML page using regular expressions (RegEx) in C#.
.NET: Convert Dictionary Keys and Values to a List
How to create a list from either the keys or the values of a dictionary in C#.
.NET: Use Callback Function with Windows API
How to use a callback function with the Windows API or any C/C++ DLL that exports a function requiring a callback function as a parameter in C#.
.NET: Call an External Function Using DllImport in C#
How to correctly use DllImport to call external functions in libraries on both windows (.dll files) and Linux (.so libraries).
ASP.NET Core: Call an External Function Using DllImport in C#
How to correctly use DllImport to call external functions in libraries on both windows (.dll files) and Linux (.so libraries) on a web server.
.NET: Sort a List of Objects with a Delegate Function
How to use a delegate to sort a C# List Holding Objects Instead of Primitive Types.
ASP.NET Core: Sort a List of Objects with a Delegate Function
How to use a delegate to sort a C# List Holding Objects Instead of Primitive Types.
.NET: Find the Index Value When Using LINQ Select()
How to know the current index value of an item when using the Language Integrated Query Select() method; example in C#.
Access the Camera Through the Web Browser
How to gain access of the camera through the Internet and how to handle user requests not to allow access to it.
Enable Show More Options on Context Menu in Windows 11
How to enable "Show More Options" menu on the context menu of Windows 11.
Silverback Gorillas in a Cauldron
An artificial intelligence game where autonomous gorillas must navigate a maze, racing, while risking falling into the dungeons of hell.
Change Drive Media Type in Windows to/from HDD/SSD
Does drive defragmentation/optimization not see the correct drive type and make the optimize option unavailable or fail?
ASP.NET Core: Json Web Token Authentication Minimal Web API Example
A simple example of adding JWT Bearer authentication and authorization to an ASP.NET Core minimal Web API; with examples written in C#.
ASP.NET Core: ZipFile Stream Options in .NET 8 and Later
Covers the new streaming options in the .NET 8 ZipFile class; written in C#.
How to Activate Windows 7 without a Product Key
Easily activate a Windows 7 PC with only a few commands and no product key.
Install OBS Studio and VLC on Ubuntu Linux
How to install the best screen recorder and media player for Ubuntu Linux.
.NET: Common Activation Functions with Their Derivatives in C#
The neural network activation functions Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU), Leaky Rectified Linear Unit, Exponential Linear Unit (ELU), Hyperbolic Tangent (tanh), and Sigmoid with the derivates for each.
.NET: Double to String Conversion Without Scientific Notation
How to print double values without using scientific notation, in C#.
JavaScript: LERP - Linear Interpolation Function
A useful function for easing the transition between two values over time (examples included).
C/C++: LERP - Linear Interpolation Function
A useful function for easing the transition between two values over time.
.NET: How to Randomize the Order of a List and Optional Parallel List
Using C#, randomize or shuffle a list, and optionally, a second, parallel list.
.NET: Access the Pixels of an Image Using SixLabors.ImageSharp v3.0
How to access each pixel's color information using SixLabors.ImageSharp, written in C#.
.NET: Crop Image to Square using SixLabors.ImageSharp v3.0
Use SixLabors.ImageSharp to crop an image to a square, written in C#.
.NET: CNN for Supervised Deep Learning Example in C#
An example one-dimensional and two-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network, deep learning library written in C#.
.NET: Neural Network, Supervised Deep Machine Learning Example in C#
An example neural network, deep learning library written in C#; categorizes practically any data as long as it is properly normalized.
C++: Neural Network, Supervised Deep Machine Learning Example
An example neural network, deep learning library written in C++; categorizes practically any data as long as it is properly normalized, etc.
MNIST Number Recognition: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Artificial intelligence that recognizes hand-written numbers zero to nine using a neural network, learned from the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database, and adds them to a calculator.
Draw It!
A simple desktop and mobile device compatible JavaScript sketchpad that uses artificial intelligence to recognize a bicycle, car, clock, fish, guitar, house, pencil or tree.
C++: Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning or Clustering, K-mean / Silhouette Clustering Library
A machine learning library that implements with k-means++ written in pure C++ for Windows and Linux.
Data Clustering Tool: Unsupervised Machine Learning
Use artificial intelligence to study patterns in data using k-mean and silhouette clustering machine learning.
Cat/Dog/Human Image Recognition: Supervised Machine Deep Learning
Use artificial intelligence to identify an image of a cat, dog or human/person.
.NET: Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning or Clustering, K-mean / Silhouette Clustering Library
An example of a machine learning library, or utility, written in C#.
How to Remove and Reinstall .NET on Linux (Ubuntu)
"A fatal error occurred. The folder [/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr] does not exist." Does dotnet not work? Fully remove it from the Linux system and reinstall it to get it working again.
.NET: Nvidia CUDA for CSharp (v1.0.1 - Linux Edition)
Access Nvidia CUDA functionality from the C# language (as well as VB.NET) on a Linux x64 machine using this simple wrapper library.
.NET: Nvidia CUDA for CSharp (v1.0.1)
Access Nvidia CUDA functionality from the C# language (as well as VB.NET) on Windows 64-bit (x64) using this simple wrapper library.
Blazor: Reverse Geocode
Use latitude and longitude to reverse-geocode to country, US state/Canadian province and time zone in a Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) application; written in C#.
.NET: Reverse Geocode
Use latitude and longitude to reverse-geocode to country, US state/Canadian province and time zone in a .NET application all while offline; written in C#.