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VMWare L1TF Vulnerabilities Article
VMware Overview of 'L1 Terminal Fault' (L1TF) Speculative-Execution vulnerabilities in Intel processors: CVE-2018-3646, CVE-2018-3620, and CVE-2018-3615
Tetris Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Tetris. Keyboard is required.
Pac-man Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Pac-man. Keyboard is required.
Space Invaders Online Game
A JavaScript game of the classic Space Invaders. Keyboard is required.
Windows 10 1607 Wallpaper
Download Windows 10 1607, a.k.a. Windows Server 2016, Wallpaper.
How to use the picture element to display different formats and respond to different screen sizes for bandwidth sensitive mobile responsive websites.
C/C++: Euler's Math Library
Essential math functions around Euler's number, including natural log, log(), and e to the x power (e^x), exp(); includes supporting functions isinf(), isnan(), ceil(), fabs() and sqrt().
.NET: Convert a Binary Loss to a Percent Accuracy
How to convert a binary cross-entropy neural network loss value to an accuracy percentage (0-1); written in C#.
.NET: Convert a Softmax Loss to a Percentage Accuracy
How to convert a softmax cross-entropy neural network loss value to an accuracy percentage (0-1) for any number of classes or categories; written in C#.
.NET: K-Means Clustering Algorithm
Clustering code designed to group numerical data into bands or ranges; written in C#.
.NET: Remove Data Outliers for Better Data
Remove data outliers using the Interquartile Range (IQR) method with logarithmic transformation; written in C#.
C++: CSV File Parser
An example parser for a file with comma separated values; written in C++.
JavaScript: Play a Pop Sound in a Web Browser
How to play a pop sound in an Internet browser.
.NET: Convert Google's Gemini Markdown Text to HTML
A simple class to format Gemini text into HTML for viewing on the Internet; written in C#.
.NET: Google Generative AI Library
A simple library to access Google's generative AI processes; written in C#.
.NET: The Random Class is Not Thread-safe!
How to use the Random class in a thread-safe manner to find reliable random values.
Turn Off Software Mitigations for Intel Processor Vulnerabilities on Ubuntu Linux
How to turn off software mitigations for all the Intel CPU vulnerabilities, including Meltdown, Spectre, Foreshadow, ZombieLoad, RIDL, Fallout and MDS.
.NET: Copy Console Output to a Log File
How to copy the Console's output to a log file; written in C#.
Prevent Power Button Shutdown on Ubuntu Server
How to disable the power button on Ubuntu Linux.
.NET: Identify GZip Compressed Files
How to determine if a file is a GZip compressed file (compressed with GZipStream); written in C#.
.NET: Identify Brotli Compressed Files
How to determine if a file is a Brotli compressed file (compressed with BrotliStream); written in C#.
.NET: ConcurrentDictionary - What is It and How to Use it?
What a ConcurrentDictionary is plus example usage in C#.
ASP.NET Core: ConcurrentDictionary - What is It and How to Use it?
What a ConcurrentDictionary is plus example webapi/endpoint usage in C#.
.NET: CNN v2.0 for Supervised Deep Learning Example
CNN version 2.0 is a full featured convolutional and recurrent neural network that supports embedding layers, gated recurrent unit (GRU) layers, batch normalization layers, neuron dropout layers and various pooling layers, and has full backpropagation throughout the network, including kernels/filters; this is designed for learning patterns in images, text, etc.; written in C#.
.NET: ConcurrentBag - What is It and How to Use It?
What a ConcurrentBag is plus example usage in C#.
.NET: Inverted Sigmoid Decay Function
A function that returns a value nearer to an initial value in the beginning then, as the input is nears the end, it begins to decrease its output; graphed it would be nearly straight until it would steeply decrease near the end.
C/C++: Inverted Sigmoid Decay Function
A C/C++ function that returns a value nearer to an initial value in the beginning then, as the input is nears the end, it begins to decrease its output; graphed it would be nearly straight until it would steeply decrease near the end.
How to Enable RAM Compression on Linux
How to install and configure memory compression, a.k.a. ZRAM, on Ubuntu 24.04.
Disable Windows 10/11 Thumbs.db File
Edit the registry to turn off or disable the Thumbs.db thumbnail database cache file in Windows 10 and 11.
Word2Vec Word Vector Math
Word2Vec is a neural network model designed to learn word associations from a large corpus of text; it converts words into a high-dimensional space where similar words are placed closer together; try vector math on these word vectors here.
.NET: Memory-Mapped Files
Memory-mapped files allow sharing large amounts of data between processes; they are explored here with examples in C#.
FILEVERSION Incrementer for Resource Files
A tool to automatically increment the file revision number, and optionally, the file build version number in use by a resource file.
On the Farm
A mouse-controlled JavaScript game where, every 15 seconds, the player is able to move rocks around trying to block bad computer-controlled characters; these characters may also move rocks, but the player has the power to move the bad characters around, too. Try to trap the meanies — not easy!
.NET: Convert Int Array to Byte Array
How to use the BitConverter class to convert an array of integers (int) to an array of bytes and back again; written in C#.
.NET: Convert Double Array to Byte Array
How to use the BitConverter class to convert an array of doubles to an array of bytes and back again; written in C#.
.NET: Convert Float Array to Byte Array
How to use the BitConverter class to convert an array of floats to an array of bytes and back again; written in C#.
JavaScript: Use FileReader to Read the Contents of Files
How to use the FileReader to access file contents in an Internet web browser.
.NET: Alpha Compositing Algorithm
How to convert an image with an alpha channel to an image without an alpha channel; written in C#.
C/C++: Alpha Compositing Algorithm
How to convert an image with an alpha channel to an image without an alpha channel.
Online Converter: Base64 String to File v1.0.0
Convert any base64 string to a file.
.NET: Lazy Load Data
How to lazy load data using the C# programming language.
.NET: Extract the Page Title from HTML
How to find the title in an HTML page using regular expressions (RegEx) in C#.
.NET: Convert Dictionary Keys and Values to a List
How to create a list from either the keys or the values of a dictionary in C#.
.NET: Use Callback Function with Windows API
How to use a callback function with the Windows API or any C/C++ DLL that exports a function requiring a callback function as a parameter in C#.
.NET: Call an External Function Using DllImport in C#
How to correctly use DllImport to call external functions in libraries on both windows (.dll files) and Linux (.so libraries).
ASP.NET Core: Call an External Function Using DllImport in C#
How to correctly use DllImport to call external functions in libraries on both windows (.dll files) and Linux (.so libraries) on a web server.
.NET: Sort a List of Objects with a Delegate Function
How to use a delegate to sort a C# List Holding Objects Instead of Primitive Types.
ASP.NET Core: Sort a List of Objects with a Delegate Function
How to use a delegate to sort a C# List Holding Objects Instead of Primitive Types.
.NET: Find the Index Value When Using LINQ Select()
How to know the current index value of an item when using the Language Integrated Query Select() method; example in C#.
Access the Camera Through the Web Browser
How to gain access of the camera through the Internet and how to handle user requests not to allow access to it.