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XML Comparison Tool: Compare Two XML Sitemaps v1.1.2

A tool to compare two standards-based XML sitemaps.

Generate a Standards Based XML Sitemap

First Step: Sitemap 1 XML

Paste/enter the XML for sitemap one: open XML filedownload XML file

Sitemap 1 XML
Second Step: Sitemap 1 Base URL

If comparing sitemaps from two different sites, then enter the base URL for sitemap one here (example: If comparing two different sitemaps from the same site, then enter the site's base URL. Other valid entries are just the domain name or simply the protocol (http, https).

Sitemap 1 Base URL
Third Step: Sitemap 2 XML

Paste/enter the XML for sitemap two: open XML filedownload XML file

Sitemap 2 XML
Fourth Step: Sitemap 2 Base URL

If comparing sitemaps from two different sites, then enter the base URL for sitemap two here (example: If comparing two different sitemaps from the same site, then enter the site's base URL again. Other valid entries are just the domain name or simply the protocol (http, https).

Sitemap 2 Base URL
Final Step: Upload Data

To consider the last date modified, the change frequency and the case in the comparison, uncheck these checkboxes.


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