Hyper-text Markup Language: Tutorial - Page 5
The <input>
tag is not new but it does have some new attributes. The type="email"
attribute is for email input fields; the multiple
attribute can be specified to allow multiple e-mail addresses.
The type="url"
attribute will make an input field that allows the user to enter a value with url
syntax. Telephone numbers are entered using the type="tel"
attribute. The
attribute allows a range of numbers to be entered; enter a min
and step
attribute. For example,
<input type=number min=0 max=255
step="0.5" />
. Sliders are created using the type="range"
Example: <input type=range min=0 max=255 value=127 />
. The autofocus
attribute makes the document set focus to the input control. The required
attribute makes the form field
required. This is a form of validation and if wanting to disable it then add the novalidate
attribute to the
tag and all client-side validation will be turned-off. Do not forget to validate all data on the
server-side, too. Another new attribute is placeholder
, which has example input text to give the user
a clue about the data to be input. Example telephone <input type="text" placeholder="(XXX) XXX-XXXX" />
or <input type="tel" placeholder="(XXX) XXX-XXXX" />
The <datalist>
tag gives input suggestions. Like the <select>
tag it uses the <option>
child tag. For example:
<input id=favoriteCamera list=cameraChoices />
<datalist id=cameraChoices>
<option label="Canon Cameras" value=canon>
<option label="Nikon Cameras" value=nikon>
<option label="Fujifilm Cameras" value=fuji>
<option label="Leica Cameras" value=leica>
The <meter>
tag shows a value within a known range. Example: Your weight is: <meter min=30 max=300 value=155>155 lbs</meter>
Your weight is:155 lbs
The <progress>
tag shows how far a task has progressed. Example: <progress value="0.333333">You are 33% done with the wizard.</progress>
The <output>
tag is an inline tag like <span>
but it is more descriptive, designed to output results. Instead of <span id=result></span>
one could code it like this <output id=result></output>
and it would simply be more descriptive.
The <audio>
tag is self explanatory. Its syntax is: <audio src="/Audio/AnotherBrickInTheWall.mp3" controls preload=auto>your browser does not support audio</audio>
The <video>
tag is self explanatory. Its syntax is: <video src="/Video/Lemon.mp4" controls preload=auto>your browser does not support video</video>
The tag attributes autoplay
and controls
are useful. For autoplay
to work, use the muted
The <source>
tag allows for specifying more than one video format. Example:
<video controls width=852 height=480>
<source src="lemon.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="lemon.webm" type="video/webm" />
<p>your browser does not support video</p>
The <track>
tag specifies the captions for the video. It has several attributes. Example:
<video controls width=852 height=480>
<source src="lemon.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="lemon.webm" type="video/webm" />
<track src="lemon_en.vtt" srclang=en kind=subtitles label=English default />
<track src="lemon_fr.vtt" srclang=fr kind=subtitles label=French />
<p>your browser does not support video</p>
An example WebVTT caption file looks like this:
00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.000
This caption appears at the one second mark and continues to appear for two seconds.
00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:10.000
This caption appears at the <b>seven</b> second mark and continues for <i>three</i> seconds.